Yours is a heart of stone if you won't be touched with this father-son reunion.

A young boy couldn't help but break into tears when he saw his US soldier dad during his football practice after being away for an Afghanistan war deployment.

After having served for 9 months, US army staff Sergeant Brandon Pickett went back home to his family in Illinois the night before he made his surprise visit to his son. The touching reunion was all recorded by his wife, Kylie and shared it instantly online only to discover it turning viral with about 23,000 views.

As Sgt Pickett prepares for their surprise visit, the father hopes that his coming home will make up for all those times he missed his son's games, Ninemsn reports. The game's commentator for the day made the announcement of the Sergeant's presence right before the play started.

The son clapped for a time and immediately saw his dad by the sidelines. Without hesitation, he ran to his father's embrace and sobbed just like a little baby. Jayce returned to the game with a teammate comforting him.

ABC News said that the original plan of the soldier dad is to sneak up from behind the kid and toss him the ball. But everything changed when he saw his little guy just immediately burst into tears. "As soon as he started crying, I just couldn't believe I was finally there," Sgt Pickett said.

The father and son now have a lot of time to spend together as the soldier dad doesn't have plans for a redeployment in the future. The two plan to play video games together and put together an Apache plane he sent his son while he was away.

Credit: YouTube/lss5ddew