Pitched as the largest male-oriented global family planning event ever, on Oct 18, men, whose families are complete, will undergo surgical procedure for male sterilization and permanent birth control, in a world-first vasectomy-athon to launch the inaugural World Vasectomy Day (WVD). The goal is to have 1000 vasectomies performed across 25 countries in 24 hours. A release issued by the organisers said, men in Australia, UK, India and China have already signed on.

The initiative is by two-time Oscar nominated and Emmy Award winning documentary filmmaker of "The Vasectomist," Jonathan Stack.

The movement is motivated by the documentary, "The Vasectomist" which follows Dr Doug Stein, who is an urologist from small town Florida on a mission to save the planet by "spreading the gospel of vasectomy". Doug has performed more vasectomies than anyone - 30,000 - throughout the US, Asia, Africa and the Caribbean.

The documentary is produced by his New York-based Gabriel Films and Sydney-based Smith&Nasht - both media production companies focused on social issue storytelling. "You accomplish more carbon footprint reduction with one vasectomy than 20 life times of reusing, reducing and recycling. There's no greater gift you can give yourself, the country and our future," says Stack.

Dr. Douglas Stein, protagonist in the documentary and one of the world's most prolific vasectomists, supports the initiative. "In my opinion, vasectomy is the single best option for sexually active heterosexual men whose families are complete. It is a win for yourself, for your family and for all of our future."

The organizers of the inaugural World Vasectomy Day (WVD) are asking men to join in their global campaign to encourage vasectomy as a viable family planning option.

Men who sign-up to participate in the campaign will be matched with a participating vasectomy doctor in their area wherever possible, the release said. Doctors are also being asked to contribute their expertise as well - all in support of the WVD global campaign.

The release said, in some locations, there is a 30-day waiting period required between the 'pre-consult' and having the vasectomy procedure - hence the deadline for participating is Sept 18.