How will you react if during the film showing of an animated film for kids like Disney's 'Frozen,' a sex scene was accidentally aired?

A U.S. cinema experienced some technical glitches which led to accidentally showing a sex scene to an audience filled with families and kids.

Yahoo Australia reports that parents rushed to take their kids away from the cinema when the explicit scene from another movie took place in the screen instead of the latest Disney animated hit "Frozen." According to the Regal Cinemas Park Place Stadium 16 located in Florida, U.S.A., the cinema was supposed to show up a scene from another cartoon to make up for the technical issues the cinema has gravely suffered from. Instead, it turned out to something that kids should not see.

FOX reported that one of the audiences during the "Frozen" screening was Lynne Green who was with her grandkids. The wrong scene was shown for a duration of two minutes before it was even fixed. Ms Green said that her hands were not enough to try to cover her grandkid's eyes for the kid's ears still got the sounds of the sex scene.

To make up for the families who were affected during the disastrous "Frozen" showing, the cinema gave free tickets and promised to work hard in ensuring that similar mistakes won't ever be repeated.

According to New York Times, Walt Disney Studios took in around $93 million which is considered one of the best debuts of an animated movie during Thanksgiving. Various box office analysts said that the movie got A+ score from ticket buyers especially since it did not face any competition in the animated level during this Christmas holiday.

Even David Valdes Greenwood of the Huffington Post reviewed "Frozen" as a great family movie of the year and highly recommended for the values it presents to young kids of today.

(Video Credit: YouTube/MOVIECLIPS Trailers)