Crowley (Mark A. Sheppard) in "Supernatural" promo
Crowley (Mark A. Sheppard) in "Supernatural" promo YouTube/The CW Television Network

“Supernatural” season 11 episode 18 will see another battle in heaven as Lucifer (Misha Collins), who still occupies Castiel’s vessel, returns home. Meanwhile, Crowley (Mark A. Sheppard) appears to be teaming up again with Sam and Dean Winchester (Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles) in a bid to defeat the Darkness.

After several filler episodes, the US series is now ready to confront the season’s ultimate villain, or at least it appears like it. The trailer for “Hell’s Angel” reveals quite a few happenings. Lucifer/Castiel has taken over heaven once again, with the angels too scared to stand up to him. The Darkness/Amara (guest star Emily Swallows), on the other hand, is still trying to get her brother’s (God) attention, and has taken upon herself to rattle heaven.

In the synopsis provided by Spoiler TV, Crowley will once again team up with the Winchesters to defeat Amara. Apparently, he knows a way to take down their mutual enemy.

He may be referring to the Horn of Joshua, which he mentions at the start of the promo. According to the bible, the Horn of Joshua was instrumental in the Battle of Jericho in bringing down the walls of Jericho.

So far, the boys have got their hands on two Hand of God items, the Ark of the Covenant and the Rod of Aaron. Hands of God are items that have been directly touched by God and contain some of his powers, according to Supernatural Wikia. Unfortunately, both items appeared to be for one-time use only, exhausting all their powers after just one use. It’s still unknown if the Horn of Joshua is another Hand of God item.

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“Supernatural” season 11 consists of 23 episodes and is already down to its 18th. It seems that a battle between Amara and his brother God is about to happen anytime soon, that is if the absent creator (presumably played by Rob Benedict) will finally make himself known.

The show airs Monday on Eleven in Australia.

YouTube/The CW Television Network