These Hollywood stars might not be able to get away from the sneaky paparazzi but apparently, most of their good deeds have gone unnoticed. See these stars in action while they spread acts of random kindness.

Demi Moore

Twitter and celebrities produce great power. A girl in Silicon Valley was tweeting about ending her life. After Moore replied hoping that the girl was joking, followers of the actress began to notice. They contacted the authorities and were able to save the girls life.

Tom Cruise

After witnessing a hit and run back in 1997, Tom waited for the paramedics to arrive and followed to UCLA Medical Center where the 23 year-old young woman was taken. When he realized she wasn't insured, the generous actor paid the $7,000 room bill.

Ryan Gosling

He was able to make a lot more girls swoon when a video of him breaking up a fight between two guys in New York City leaked over the internet.

Kate Winslet

While she was vacationing in Richard Branson's private island a fire broke out. Luckily there were no guests left behind all because of Kate. Branson thanked the actress on his blog who carried his 90 year-old mom out of the main house to safety.

Harrison Ford

While on his ranch in Wyoming, the actor joined a search back in 2001 to find a missing by scout and Ford was the one to have found him. Previous to that year, he also found a female hiker in the mountain. She couldn't get down so he put her in his helicopter and took her to the hospital.

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