‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’—How TIE Fighter Pilots Get Into Their Spaceship Revealed [Spoilers]

A new report has emerged online that describes how the TIE fighter pilots get into their spaceship in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens." Fans of the franchise have so far only seen the X-Wing fighters in the first official trailer of the movie. [Warning: Spoilers Alert!]
The TIE fighters are the iconic spaceships that were used by the Empire in the original "Star Wars" movies. A report from MakingStarWars suggests that the TIE fighters will be back in the upcoming movie and describes a concept art about how the pilots get into the spaceship in the movie.
Fans of the franchise who have watched the "Star Wars Rebels" animation series will remember a scene where the character Zeb Orrelios gets into a TIE fighter from the top. The upcoming movie will reportedly use the same concept of the door for the TIE fighters.
According to the report, the TIE fighters are stored in the hangar that has slanting walls. The TIE fighters are said to be stacked one over the other in the slanting walls. The spaceship at the bottom of the stack will be halfway into the ground to allow the pilots to access the door at the top by using a ladder.
The TIE fighter in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" will reportedly hover for a few seconds to get the spaceship above ground level before taking off. The next spaceship stacked above it is set to then fall into place for the next pilot to get in.
The TIE fighter costume in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" will reportedly be made of a shiny material underneath and a dull black armour on top. The costume is also said to include tubes running from the mouthpiece of the fighter pilot to the backpack, for air supply.
The report was based on a concept art accessed by the website and not based on any firsthand look at a production set. It is still unclear if the specific design will make it to "Star Wars: The Force Awakens." The movie is slated to be released on Dec. 18, 2015 in Australia. It is one of the most highly anticipated movies of the year.
For questions/comments regarding the article, you may email the writer at s.trivedi@ibtimes.com.au.
Source - YouTube/ Star Wars
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