‘Star Wars Battlefront’ new DLC slated for Rogue One, new Death Star trailer and images released

Star Wars fans had enjoyed the Celebration Europe weekend with fellow fans of the franchise. This week, EA has revealed an official glimpse of its planned content for “Star Wars Battlefront.”
EA and DICE have finally announced the new expansions to “Star Wars Battlefront.” The Death Star expansion will be released in the fall of this year, while another one, dubbed Rogue One: Scarif will be released during the holidays.
The creators confirmed this over at the official “Star Wars Battlefront” website alongside sneak peek images of what’s in store. Two big names are coming to the game as well, which is Chewbacca to get in the co-pilot mode with Han Solo Bossk will also arrive in “Star Wars Battlefront.”
The game will also receive new maps where the combats will take players in space battles outside and inside the Death Star. EA will also bring in another activity at the Death Star in the form of a multi-stage gameplay.
To take to the skies and more, players will be getting more vehicles and blasters. EA and DICE did not give any more details about this, but considering that this is the Death Star, it is highly possible that there will be new airships coming to “Star Wars Battlefront.”
For Season Pass holders, they can get “Star Wars Battlefront” Rogue One: Scarif expansion two weeks earlier than the rest. The good thing about this expansion is that it will continue the story from the “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” movie with a new planet and more heroes.
The developer did reassure fans that everyone will also get some free game updates, especially those who may not be considering the new expansion. There is a special event coming though for offline players, as EA hinted that the Skirmish mode will land in the game on July 21.
“Skirmish will offer players the ability to play across two of Star Wars Battlefront’s most popular modes on a difficulty level of your choosing. While offline, you can take to the battlefront in Walker Assault, or to the skies in Fighter Squadron,” said EA in the blog.
This is a new way for players to expand he Star Wars universe, but even more so with the introduction of the co-op split screen for consoles. Finally, Jabba the Hutt will return once more for the Hutt Contract that players can unlock. There’s also the Stinger Pistol, which is the first charged Star Card that is also an actual weapon that can be fired while the card is active.