Participants Wearing Star Wars Costumes
Participants wearing Star Wars costumes are seen at the Parc metro station after the Balloon's Day Parade in Brussels September 6, 2014. Reuters/Eric Vidal

At least two rebel bases will feature in "Star Wars 7." Fans of the franchise who have been following the leaks of the movie may have already seen one of the sets. A new report reveals the planet on which one of the bases is located as well as the look and feel of both bases. [Spoiler Alert]

"Star Wars 7" will reportedly be going back to Yavin 4, a habitable moon orbiting the gas giant Yavin. According to a report by MakingStarWars, the base is being called "The Pirate's Cove" by the producers and will be located in The Massassi Temple.

Readers who have watched "Star Wars: A New Hope" will remember the Massassi Temple to be a huge base inside a rock-cut temple. The temple and the planet have a long history, and according to the comic books, it was built by the Sith Lord Naga Sadow and his loyal followers.

According to the report, the producers examined the Massassi Temple from the original movie to get the look and feel of the base right. The base in the original movie was mostly underground and dark, requiring artificial lighting. It housed many X-Wing spaceships. The base was used to stage the final assault to destroy the dreaded Death Star space station of the Empire. The base is surrounded by a thick rainforest.

The other rebel base in "Star Wars 7," according to the report, is the Greenham Common. Readers who have been following the leaks of the movie will remember the pictures leaked using a drone. X-Wing fighters and a Millennium Falcon were seen in the pictures.

The planet depicted in the Greenham Common set has not yet been revealed. The set will show a large field with trees seen on the horizon. Many transmitters and radar dishes will reportedly be added to the sets later using computer graphics.

The plot details and the main villain in "Star Wars 7" have not been revealed by the producers yet. Veteran actors Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher will be reprising their roles of Han Solo, Luke Skywalker and Leia.

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