Squalamine is a compound that can be produces by sharks. It is found in the liver tissue (not the liver oil) of the deep white shark. It is a good example of aminosterol, steroid chemically associated to an amino acid. It was discovered in 1993, but there is a new study occurring. Researchers are trying to find out its potential to combat human viruses.

The people who conduct the study tested squalamine in animal subjects and lab dishes and they found out that they could control viral infections. There's even an instance wherein it cured ill animals.

The inquiry about this begun when Michael Zasloff, lead investigator and a professor of surgery and pediatrics at Georgetown University Medical Center, sent some samples of the complex compound to different laboratories in United States to undergo testing. In 1995, squalamine was synthesized in laboratories so that there will be no need to extract it from the tissue of sharks.

By culturing the tissues, the results came out that it could repress the infection of human blood cells by the dengue virus. As well as the human liver cells that is infected by Hepatitis B and D. The study conducted on animals showed that squalamine controlled yellow fever, types of Herpes that affects rodents, Eastern equine encephalitis virus and murine cytomegalovirus.

"It is clearly a promising drug, and is unlike, in its mechanism of action and chemical structure, any other substance currently being investigated to treat viral infections," quoted Professor Zasloff. "We have not yet optimized squalamine dosing in any of the animal models we have studied and as yet we do not know the maximum protective or therapeutic benefit that can be achieved in these systems," Zasloff stated.

Zasloff also included that they are confident of squalamine as an effective antiviral agent that they are intending to incorporate the compound to humans. Squalamine is good to use in carrying out the normal anti-angiogenesis function of the body. Angiogenesis is the process wherein the unhealthy cells of the body develop their own blood vessel edifice in order for them to survive.

"In several of the early trials squalamine has shown significant and promising activity... in both certain forms of cancer and in diabetic retinopathy," said Professor Zasloff.

The complex compound is known to be a potential tool to combat cancer and eye diseases and definitely safe to humans.