The new Snickers ad teams up with Aussie builders to call out praises and constructive words to some woman. The commercial draws attention and mixed opinions from different people in the social media.

The video shows construction workers shouting encouraging words to women especially strangers passing by the streets. It overturns the usual stereotypes about the behavior of construction workers. The men shouted things like, "Do you want to hear a filthy word? Gender Bias" and "I'd like to show you...the respect you deserve..Go girl!" Some women could be seen responding with a smile, some even say their thanks. But the line in the end of the ad seems to contradict the attempt to address misogyny and gender inequality.

The line in the end of the ad says, "You're not you when you're hungry." The slogan can be translated as misogynistic. It appears that men act the way they did just because they are hungry and not themselves. Though, it can be read too as a mere representation of the usual things that men say to women if they are themselves. Both interpretations can be driven from the ad which making its rounds gaining both positive but more negative comments,

The commercial have been receiving responses on the social media and tagged it as sexist and some would say it's the cutest thing they have seen.

With the video starting to get viral, one of the men in the commercial expressed his self and declared that the ad is not sexist against women.

Slavko Zwirn, a Geelong-based actor, is one of those who posed as a worker in the Snickers adverts. He told that the girls were not actors and they responded to the shouting of encouraging words positively.

"One woman even turned around and blew me a kiss," Zwirn told the online news portal.

Men can sometimes be harsh to women and the tagline in the end shows the reverse which according to it will happen if the men are hungry. The advertisement is actually not sexist and addresses the misogynistic tendency of men.

Snickers may not mean to offend anybody with the video content, despite this, a lot still see the video differently.

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