Frequent Sex Makes You Intelligent, New Study Says
In Photo: Frequent Sex Makes You Intelligent, New Study Says Reuters

A sexually-frustrated husband made a spreadsheet with all the excuses his wife gave for an entire month, from June 3 to July 16, for refusing to have sex. The excuses included "I might be getting sick", "I still don't feel 100%", "I feel gross", "I'm exhausted", "I need a shower", "I'm trying to watch the movie", "I'm still a bit tender from yesterday" and "I'm watching the show,

The man compiled all the excuses and then emailed it to his wife, who was at the airport just about to leave for a ten-day business trip.

When the wife received the mail, she was shocked and tried to contact him but realised that he had cut all means of her contacting him. Frustrated, she shared the document with users of Reddit, a social networking site, through the username, throwwwaway29.

Throwwwaway wrote, "Yesterday morning, while in a taxi on the way to the airport, husband sends a message to my work email which is connected to my phone. He's never done this, we always communicate in person or by text. I open it up, and it's a sarcastic diatribe basically saying he won't miss me for the 10 days I'm gone."

The document was deleted but only after it went viral with people taking sides as to who they think is right. Some criticised the man for his immaturity and said that he should have communicated his feelings in a better manner. Those who criticised the wife said that atleast the spreadsheet got her attention.

The wife, in her defence, said that their sex life might have come down but then again, they are adults leading stressful lives because of which this should be allowed. She added that it wasn't like it was going to be this way forever but only a temporary slow-down. The couple, in the last six weeks, slept together only three times.