It's almost February 14 and you still don't have a date. Well, if it's any consolation, these featured celebrities have one thing in common with you-that's right, they're also headed to SingleVille this Valentines! So don't be sad and cheer up! Featured below are some Hollywood tips to spend the day of hearts fruitfully!

#1: Contact your single friends and have a girls/boys night out.

As the old adage goes, misery seeks company. So if you're feeling down and low, try to contact your single friends and plan a really kickass party! You might know but you may even find the love of your life in that intimate clique of yours.

#2: Stock up on movies-good movies

Valentines does not have to be big deal-spend the day of hearts with a collection of good movies. So what if your best gal friend is having the time of her life with that beau's of hers? Try to look for movies that would really make you think. Of search for movies that suit your mood-if you are up for some romantic feelings, then head to the nearest video rental shop and stock up on chick flicks. If, however, you feel sullen and sad, don't try to watch depressing movies-chances are, you might just feel sadder after your movie marathon.

#3 Sweat it out!

If you're free this Valentines, why not try working up a sweat? According to lead researchers, feeling good about yourself is one way to dispel depression. Most of the depressed people feel that they are worthless; hence, in order to avoid the same situation, try to jog or exercise or head the gym! You never know, you might end up dating that cute guy in the gym!

In the meantime, check out these lovely ladies and find the reason as to why they haven't snagged up a cozy relationship-just yet.