Since her break-up from Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez has developed harsh feelings for the 19-year-old singer and we are not complaining either. The "Baby" singer, on many occasions, has been spotted partying with the nearly naked chicks and female strippers and apparently Selena Gomez is not happy with the way Bieber is behaving.

Bieber was also caught sleeping with a Brazilian girl and leaving a prostitute club. All these actions are not something you expect from a decent guy and may be this is the reason why Selena Gomez has started hating him.

According to a source to, "Selena has heard all about his party with all the naked girls, and add that to the hooker incident in Brazil and she just hates the guy Justin has become. He is trying to be super cool to his friends and has gone into a tailspin that Selena hates to see."

"But her overall thoughts are, that's what he gets for messing up what he had with her." the source further revealed.

There was a time when Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber were inseparable. They use to spend every moment of their lives together. But now it seems that Selena is disgusted with the overall persona of Justin Bieber and is happy that they are no more together.

Selena Gomez left Justin Bieber after she caught him cheating on her. If the insiders are to be believed then Selena knew that soon Justin will lose control over his actions which in turn will affect his image and career.

A source told that, "Selena thinks Justin has just spiralled out of control and so has his ego. This is no longer just about teenager experimenting with life."

We hope that if Justin wants to save his career and wants to improve his image then he should really get a control on his life.