(Video Credit: YouTube/JBarnz008)

New Zealand ocean waters have shocked a fisherman when he captured an odd-looking see-through fish.

Stewart Fraser, a Kiwi fisherman, was off to his usual fishing rounds about 70 kilometers from the Karikari Peninsula. He was with his two sons when he captured the fish that he first thought as a kind of transparent shrimp floating on the waters.

Yahoo reported the fisherman expressed in his interview with the London Daily Mail that he was thinking twice before hauling the marine creature until he got a closer look of it. He described it as similar to a jelly but still quite scaly. Yet he could not see anything inside of it.

"We have no idea what it could have been but it was quite something and I'd never seen anything like it before," Fraser said along with some of his fisherman friends.

See-Through Fish Identified As Salpa Maggiore

Dr. Dennis Gordon, leading scientist in Niwa for the biodiversity and biosecurity sector of the region, identified the odd creature as a kind of salp. It was described as having gelatinous body to make it move through water conveniently by pumping and contracting water through itself.

Gordon said these salps eat the tiniest planktons in the sea, including bacteria to survive and exist. "The significance of that is this they are an intermediary in the food chain," he explained according to the New Zealand Herald.

Furthermore, Director Paul Cox of the National Marine Aquarium from Plymouth recognized it as the salpa maxima or salpa maggiore.

The director added its gelatinous nature uses it translucent characteristic to protect itself from any possible form of predation. This makes it quite similar with other defenseless creatures of the ocean waters like hydroids and jellies. They are also considered more nutritious food sources for several kinds of other fish, including seals and sea turtles.

The New Zealand fisherman may think of it as extremely rare, but in reality, the see-through fish could double its population even within a 24-hour rate. It is presumed that Fraser placed back the creature back to the sea.

(Video Credit: YouTube/Giai tri Channel)