Actress Kerry Washington arrives at the 86th Academy Awards in Hollywood
Actress Kerry Washington arrives at the 86th Academy Awards in Hollywood, California March 2, 2014. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

The premiere episode of "Scandal" Season 4 packed in news roles, funeral, a case, a new appointment, a sense of abandonment, grief, and the anticipation of a meeting. Despite packing all that, the episode 1 of the new season was about Olivia Pope and her return to Washington DC. Here are the top spoilers from Episode 1 of "Scandal" Season 4:

The episode opens with Olivia Pope at a beach, off the coast of Zanzibar, living the life of Julia Baker with Jake. These two have not taken a vow of celibacy. A boat brings supplies and a letter, with no return address. It is this letter that makes Olivia return to Washington DC. It contains a newspaper clipping about Harrison's death.

Olivia returns to her closed office and finds everything covered under a sheet. It is Quinn who tracked her down -- all thanks to Olivia's love for rare, complex red wine -- and sent her that letter. Olivia is there is her office but her associates have taken up new roles, except Quinn.

Harrison is the dead man, awaiting his funeral.

Quinn is Randy, a counter clerk at an electronics store.

Abby is at the White House as the new press secretary. She is called Red because of her hair colour.

Olivia visits Huck. He no longer speaks to Quinn. The episode does not reveal how the meeting between him and his family went. Huck wants to know if Olivia is back for good, or not. He has no interest in talking about the rest.

The meeting between Abby and Olivia is a disaster. Abby tells Olivia that there is no Olivia Pope and associates and that they are not "we" anymore and that she is on her own. She blames Olivia for Harrison's death, because she decided to get on a plane and not be there for Harrison and stop his murder. Olivia hits back, saying Abby abandoned Huck and Quinn to take up the job at the White House.

Rowan and Olivia also meet in the episode. Olivia asked his father if he has something to do with Harrison's death. [Yes, he is the murderer]. The Command of B-613 says no, without any trouble. Olivia does not know if she can trust her father, but she has no reason to suspect him. Rowan also lies about Mom Pope, hinting that he killed her [she is in an underground dungeon] as it was the President's order.

Talking about the President, he is not having the best of time and Fitz 2.0 is alienating a lot of people. He looks calm and in control but his action of firing 15 members of his cabinet speaks otherwise. The press also wants to know when the new attorney general will be appointed. Abby tells the press that Fitz is trying to push through a legislation that promises equal pay right for man and woman. And, Mellie has become a different person, dressing up more like a gypsy and showing no interest in what is happening inside the White House and outside. When she and Fitz visit Jerry's grave, she lies on the grass, near the tomb.

Cyrus informs Fitz about Olivia's return. When Mellie comes to know about Olivia's return from Fitz, she wants him to tell her when he and Olivia meet. Fitz tries to assure Mellie that he is not meeting Olivia and the relationship is about them. Mellie is not convinced. She also indicates that Fitz tried to commit suicide, one night.

Jake meets David and wants to know why he has done nothing to taken down Cyrus and B-613. Jake had stolen the files from B-613 and had given them to David. David did not act because the files are that can kill kind of scary and terrifying. Jakes leaves David's office, telling him to act or give the files back.

Soon afterwards Cyrus offers David the job of U.S. Attorney General. Abby tells him to get inside the system, get some power and use it. Abby and David's conversation also indicates that these two are going through relationship troubles.

Olivia is also forced to become the fixer when Kate arrives, knocking at her door. She is the secretary of Senator Stephanie Vaughan. Olivia arrives at Senator Benjamin Sterling's home to find that he is lying on the ground, and Stephanie thinks that she killed him. Stephanie tells Olivia that she pushed the Senator when he tried to grab her. Benjamin is still breathing and is admitted to a hospital. Later Olivia discovers that it is Stephanie's secretary who Benjamin tried to sexually assault. Also, Stephanie knew about Benjamin's interest in young girls with brown hair and that is why she sent Kate to Benjamin's home. She wanted his vote for the equal pay bill. Afterwards, Olivia tells reporters that she will be representing Kate in the incident that happened at the Senator's house. She also makes a case for equal pay, which means Fitz's will be able to pass the legislation.

At the Harrison's funeral, Abby and Huck join Olivia, Quinn and Jake to say goodbye to one of their gladiators. Jake catches Rowan watching the proceedings from inside his car. Post funeral, Olivia seems to have made up her mind to stay. She tells Jake what Harrison would have said, "Are we gladiators or we bitches?"

The episode ends with Olivia and Fitz passing each other, without acknowledging each other. However, a little smile spreads on their faces as they move in different directions, probably realising that their attempt to touch each other's fingers was mutual.