The last season ended on Rowan successfully executing his plan to: take revenge on Fitz, get back his B-613's command crown, help Fitz become the President for the second terms as her daughter was his campaign manager, put his daughter on a plane and put his wife in an underground dungeon. He achieved all these by ordering the murder of President's son, Jerry. Harrison figured out what Rowan has done and before he could tell anyone else, Rowan's man Tom killed him, too.

The Season 4 saw the return of Olivia to Washington DC with Jake to arrange Harrison's funeral. It did not take long for Jake to figure out that it is Rowan who is responsible for the death of Jerry and Harrison. In episode 3, Jake offered Rowan an exit route, get on a plane and disappear, as he does not want to see Olivia hurt again. Rowan did not flinch and turned down Jake's offer. In episode 4, he tried to kill Jake in a car explosion. Later, he succeeded in forcing Tom to blurt out, in front of the President, that it is Jake who ordered him to kill Jerry. The last episode wrapped up with the arrest of Jake.

In the last episode, Jake had tried to tell Olivia the truth about her father but she was busy fixing the sex tape problem of Fitz's daughter. The preview clip and sneak peek of episode 5, "The Key," indicate that it takes some time before Olivia becomes aware about Jake's arrest. In the sneak peek, she is seen bonding with her father. She can be seen saying, "I haven't heard from Jake in a while." Rowan asks, "Everything all right between you two. Things seemed fine at dinner." He can be seen acting like a good father, laughing and teasing her. Olivia tells her father that she has a feeling that something bad happened to Jake.

Olivia says, "What if I'm supposed to be saving him right now instead of sitting here drinking wine with you?"

Rowan: "Olivia, what could possibly have happened to a man like Jake?"

Rowan is going to do everything possible to stop his daughter from meeting Jake.
