'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story' spoilers: Darth Vader 'at the height of his powers'

New details about “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” have surfaced online. Darth Vader is said to be “at the height of his powers” in the movie and on the Rebel Alliance’s side Mothma will play a “pivotal role.”
[Spoiler alert]
Darth Vader’s power in the Empire only rose until the destruction of the first Death Star, after which he had to once again prove his worth to the Emperor. Since the forthcoming movie is set just before the destruction of the dreaded super weapon, it will show the Sith Lord “at the height of his powers,” Entertainment Weekly reports.
The Sith Lord has been described as “alive, angry and merciless.” The report does not reveal if it was Darth Vader that was seen in the first trailer of the movie, kneeling in front of a Bacta tank.
“Many Bothans died to bring us this information,” Mothma remarked in the 1977 movie “A New Hope.” The character will apparently play a “pivotal role” in “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.” Her strategy to steal the plans for the Death Star pays off, and will give the Rebel Alliance a huge victory later. [Correction: Mothma's remarks about the Bothans was before the dresturction of the second Death Star that was featured in "Return of the Jedi," not in "A New hope."]
Another familiar character in the movie is Saw Gerrera (Forest Whitaker). The character was introduced in “The Clone Wars” animated TV series. The character will be joining the Rebel team that is tasked with stealing the plans for the Death Star. However, Saw is “so extreme” that the “others aren’t sure he’s really a good guy.”
While “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” remains a highly anticipated first spin-off of the franchise, there have been concerns after the movie went for reshoots. Director Gareth Edwards has explained that making a movie is a “very creative, organic process” that “evolves over time.” He pointed out that there is no “right or wrong” in the way the movie is made, but the filmmakers are putting additional pressure on themselves in order to deliver the best possible viewing experience for the fans.