Specialists discovered the cause of serious reactions of flu vaccine named Fluvax. It caused deteriorating negative effects in 251 children in West Australia last year. According to Associate Professor Heath Kelly, from the epidemiology unit at the Victorian Infectious Disease Reference Laboratory, there is a chemical that was used in the vaccine that gives a splitting reaction to the flu viruses.

The children who took the vaccine had fever and vomiting but 57 of these children had convulsions. Because of these reactions, Fluvax is prohibited for children under five. Fluvax was from the Australian firm named CSL which is based on Melbourne. Deoxycholate is the chemical that is used in Fluvax to divide the flu viruses and shed off their 'skins'.

Fluvax was the only flu vaccine that was released in 2010 that uses deoxycholate as a component. David Mountain, AMA WA president, said that deoxycholate did not properly divide the viruses, especially the H1N1 swine flu virus. The faulty dissection of the viruses proved to be too strong for the immune system of children.

Suppose to be there are only mild side effects when injected by flu vaccine. Person will only experience soreness at the injected area and may experience mild fever. These reactions are normal since it is an indication that antibody is being processed. Fatigue and muscle aches will be experienced as well. Sore throat and the rest of symptoms do not mean that person had flu because of the given shot. It simply implicates that virus is already acquired before the shot was given but there are no presenting symptoms.

Side effects such as rapid heartbeat, hives, breathing problems, paleness and wheezing are emergency conditions and one must seek medical attention if it occurs. These are signs of allergic reaction. There would have been no chance of knowing the adverse effects from Fluvax unless austere side effects we're reported during the trial stage according to Dr Mountain.

Michele Kosky, WA Health Consumers Council executive director honoured the research. She advised the parents to have more information about vaccines that will be given to children.

The manufacturer CSL said that their investigations about the adverse effects will be finished at the end of 2011. Fluvax will not be approved to children under five-years-old until bad reactions will be cleared.

Kosky also added that pharmaceutical companies need to be further scrutinised by the Government.