Playstation And Xbox Booths At The 2014 Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) In Los Angeles
IN PHOTO: People walk past the Playstation and Xbox booths at the 2014 Electronic Entertainment Expo, known as E3, in Los Angeles, California June 10, 2014. Reuters/Jonathan Alcorn

The epic racing simulation "Project Cars" has been fraught with multiple delays, but the game now has a final release date of May 8. The ambitious project will launch simultaneously for the PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

According to IGN, the launch date was confirmed after Bandai Namco UK posted a tweet about it. However, it isn't known if the date applies to the rest of the world or just the UK at the moment. Strangely, the announcement doesn't mention when fans can expect the Wii U version of the racing sim.

Like "Star Citizen," the developer Slightly Mad Studios has gone all out with features and technical complexity while making "Project Cars." The game already looks absolutely gorgeous and incorporates a terrific amount of detail even in the early unfinished builds. However, the PC version seems poised to shine the most, thanks to the developer's commitment to create an unadulterated experience, leveraging the maximum potential of the platform.

It was already confirmed that the PC version would incorporate support for 4K resolution. PC Gamer now reports that "Project Cars" will also support 12K resolution, as confirmed by the developer itself. It must be noted that there are no displays in existence at the moment that are capable of rendering 12K content. In fact, 12K resolution is a potentially misleading marketing terminology referring to three 4K monitors used in a multi-display setup. This is similar to AMD's Eyefinity technology that allows three monitors to be linked together side by side to display a wider image with increased field of vision.

The consoles aren't being ignored either. Eurogamer points out that the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of the game incorporate advanced graphics setting exhibiting the degree of complexity and freedom only seen in PC titles. The graphics options are comprehensive enough to be categorised into a number of subsections such as Visual FX, Authenticity, Field of View and Movement. The game even offers a tighter control on other aspects such as tweaking the field of view to attain a balance between performance and visibility, in addition to choosing between various post-process effects. The best part is that the PS4 version manages 60fps at 1080p, whereas the Xbox One does the same at 900p despite all the eye candy.

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Project CARS Free Car #1: Lykan Hypersport (Credit: Project CARS YouTube channel)