Josh Hamrick has resigned from Bungie. The senior gameplay designer announced on Twitter that he was leaving the company, while also thanking them for all the years of work and gratitude, wishing them the best of luck in the future. He has now joined Bethesda, a company known for games like “Fallout” and the “Elder Scrolls” series.

"I'll miss Bungie more than words can tell, but I'm excited about both new challenges and being much closer to our hometown and our family." Said Hamrick on his Twitter profile.

Hamrick had been in Bungie for about six years, working on major titles for the company. Along with “Destiny,” arguably one of the most popular games out right now, Hamrick also helped design “Halo: Reach,” the last game in the “Halo” series that Bungie worked on.

For the most part, it seems that Hamrick will be leaving on fairly good terms with Bungie, despite the fact that he’s leaving them. His Twitter feed is filled with nothing, but positive comments for the former “Halo” company and he has wished his employees good luck on several occasions on working on more future content for “Destiny.” IGN revealed that Hamrick’s new position in Bethesda would be as a Senior Systems Designer.

It’s currently unknown if Hamrick is already working on a specific title for Bethesda Game Studios. Gamespot reports that Bethesda will be having a press conference this June in E3 for the first time ever and big news is expected from the developer of titles like “Skyrim” and “Dishonored.” Many fans are hoping to that “Fallout 4” will be the new title announced, as there hasn’t been a new “Fallout” title since “Fallout: New Vegas.”

As for Bungie, the company seems to be doing fine despite the loss. “Destiny” continues to be one of the most popular games of this generation, thanks to a healthy amount of content released on a daily basis. The company is reportedly working on “Destiny 2” along with a few more downloadable packs for the first “Destiny” game, like the “House of Wolves” expansion, which is set for release by the end of June.

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Destiny The Dark Below DLC - Gameplay Trailer (PS4/Xbox One) (Credit: YouTube/GamesHQMedia)