An amazing gift to the world - Siku!

A new polar bear was born on Nov. 22 in the Scandinavian Wildlife Park in Denmark. The bear was named Siku and is now a month-old cub.

Siku weighs 8 lbs. and is taken care of by three people since the mother cannot produce adequate milk for him.

Frank Vigh-Larsen, a caretaker, controls and monitors the staff looking after Siku. Constant care has been delivered to the cute cub, including plenty of bottle-feeding and everyone is making sure that the young bear gets enough nutrients.

The name Siku means "sea ice." People taking care of the cub could not resist the cuteness as he rolls around, sleeps, and sticks his tongue out. His being adorable has encouraged a lot of people to apply and be one of Siku's caregivers.

Surely the staff will not experience any difficulty finding the right persons to look after Siku. Many are willing to provide care to this unbearably charming little bear. Staff from the wildlife park is now accepting resumes from those who are more than willing to offer care to baby Siku.

The zoo stepped in to help in handling the little bear and Siku will receive regular care from the staff for 12 months. After a year, he will be sent back to his cohort to be reintroduced to other polar bears at the wildlife park.