Pokemon Sun and Moon
Popplio is a water starter for "Pokemon Sun and Moon." Pokemon

The latest trailer holds more than just a few gameplay shots for “Pokemon Sun and Moon.” One eagle-eyed fan managed to find an unannounced Pokemon loitering in the background for a split-second.

According to IGN, one Twitter use had spotted the new monster, seen in the screenshot via the link above. While the unannounced Pokemon is too small to be seen, it looks like a pinkish, dog-like or fox-like Pokemon.

This may be one of the 10 new Pokemon coming to “Pokemon Sun and Moon.” Previously, game director Junichi Masuda has teased that the number of new Pokemon to the franchise, those the developer failed to add any other detail as to what these may be. It may be assumed that the three starters, as well as this new sighted Pokemon are one of the new monsters to come to the game.

Apart from the new Pokemon, Comicbook also spotted some changes to the battle mechanics as seen onscreen when playing. Fans get a glimpse of the gameplay sequence for “Pokemon Sun and Moon.” Also notable is the environment where the game is set.

Some changes sighted include the change in point of view as seen on the screen. If before, players can only see the trainers before a battle starts, this time, the camera is angled so that the player can see the opponent trainer.

The report also stated that some bystanders can be seen in the shots. This suggests that the battle now feels more alive and real in a sense.

One other point that the gameplay screenshot hints at is the change in the battle background. It appears that the battles appear in a tournament-like setup, with raised battle stages. How this will play out in the gameplay remains to be seen.

Hopefully, the developer will give more details on the new changes sighted. In the meantime, the provides a glimpse of the starter Pokemon in-game.

"Pokemon Sun and Moon" trailer (Credit: YouTube/CoroCoro Channel)