‘Pokemon Sun and Moon’ latest Global Mission event to see players fighting for 2,000 Festival Coins

In the latest “Pokemon Sun and Moon” Global Mission, which is now live, players need to fish 500,000 Pokemon or items from rare fishing spots around the Alola region. The contest will happen until June 13, and players will have to reach their goal within the timeframe.
Participants will be fighting for 2,000 Festive Coins. Even if they fail to achieve the mission, they receive at least 200 Festival Coins. Those who have their accounts linked to the Pokemon Global Link will earn double the amount of Festival Coins.
Nintendo has kept itself busy after launching the game six months ago. It kept on announcing new events and Pokemon for the game. In April, it unveiled the mythical Pokemon Marshadow. However, players are not even aware how and when to catch the monster.
There is also a chance for players to receive a special Lycanroc until June 5. GameStop is offering the same. Other stuff available via “Pokemon Sun and Moon” Mystery Gift feature include Houndoom, Steelix, Heracross and Pidgeot. Up to now, there has been seven Global Missions since the game released last November. The first two missions were complete disasters as players failed to catch 100 million Pokemon during the first event and one million monsters using the Island Scan feature in the second.
Subsequent events were successful, though. The last concluded Global Mission required players to harvest three million PokeBeans. Players exceeded the total by more than 70 million. The Festival Coins earned by players by participating in the missions help them increase their Festival Plaza rank. They can also be used to purchase special items from the Plaza facilities, writes GameSpot. The Pokemon Company also recently released new mobile game called the “Magikarp Jump.”
The game is reportedly based on the backwoods part of the Pokemon world map. It is not a game that involves training a Magikarp to become a Gyarados. It does, however, involve a sort of strange league where the player has to jump higher than other Magikarps. The game starts with a new Professor giving an introduction about the Pokemon journey. It does not require players to choose among Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle. They do not have to train Pokemon to beat Gyms and the Elite Four.
All players need is to catch a Magikaro with an Old Rod, feed and train it so it can jump higher than other Magikarps. Stay tuned on IBT AU for more “Pokemon Sun and Moon” updates and other Pokemon games.