‘Pokemon GO’ Christmas event update: Gen 2 baby Pokemon, new eggs, free incubator, original starter Pokemon & much more

The “Pokemon GO” Christmas event is starting on Dec. 25 and it looks like it will be solid event. Going by the details revealed, the event is not only about milking micro-transaction cash for players. It’s truly a unique and rewarding holiday event that everyone will admire. In fact, it is expected to bring back lots of players who have stopped playing the game.
Niantic has surprised “Pokemon GO” players with this kind of an event as it’s not quite what everybody expected. Double XP and Candy feature is lacking but it has enough of other surprising stuffs to get players playing again. According to Forbes, the event can be looked upon as a pair event that will take place over the next two weeks. Niantic, via the “Pokemon GO” Christmas event has increased the chances of securing Gen 2 baby Pokemon from new eggs.
PokemonGOLive has shared the details of the “Pokemon GO” Christmas event. As per the details, from Dec. 25 to Jan. 3, PokeStops will provide a single-use Incubator every day, once a day. Trainers will find new eggs that have greater chances of hatching the Gen 2 Pokemon. Niantic has introduced some of them earlier this month. Santa Hat Pikachu will appear more often and stay longer than Dec. 29.
The next part of the “Pokemon GO” Christmas event from Dec. 30 to Jan. 8 will see original starter Pokemon Squirtle, Bulbasaur and Charmadner along with their evolutions appear more frequently throughout the world. During the period, Lures will last for sixty minutes and not thirty.
Thus, as it can be seen from the “Pokemon GO” Christmas event details, the single-incubator update will allow players to hatch 6, 7, 8, 9 eggs at a time for free. Moreover, the ability to finally increase the chances of getting Gen 2 Pokemon is something players have been waiting for long. As per Express, trainers may also use their Apple Watch during the event as the accessory is particularly well-suited for playing “Pokemon GO.”
Trainers may find using the Apple Watch more interesting during the “Pokemon GO” Christmas event as they can use the quick taps to discover nearby Pokemon and also collect items faster from PokeStops.