Two Pakistani siblings are currently facing 11 years of jail sentence for cooking and eating "baby curry."

The suspected "cannibal" brothers were identified as Farman Ali and Mohammad Arif. They are residents of Darya Khan Village located 300 km south of the country's capital. Both were arrested in April 2014 after the local police discovered the child's head in their home, according to a report.

Neighbors complained of a foul smell spreading in the area. This was the key to the crime's discovery. Police officers raided the suspect's house and spotted the child's head. Arif did not deny his crime, affirming they made curry out of the baby's corpse and ate it. He also admitted it was his brother who stole the corpse from a graveyard in the village.

The case is not the first cannibalism attempt of the siblings who also faced the same raps in 2011. They were imprisoned for two years and were released in 2013. Since there was no specific penal code in Pakistan that rules regarding cannibalism, the court pleaded them guilty of corpse desecration and offenses by causing public disorder.

In the previous case in 2011, police found a body of 24-year-old woman who died of cancer in the brothers' house. One of her legs had been cut-off as they had been reportedly eaten.

"The anti-terrorist court today sentenced them each to 11 years and four months of hard labour," Shakir Hussain Dawar, a local police officer, told AFP in a report by NineMSN.

Arif is already detained and will undergo psychiatric testing. His brother Ali is still hunted down by the district police.

According to the police, the men's family left those years ago and they were living in isolation.

Meanwhile, the brothers' case is not the lone disturbing cannibalism report to happen recently. Gregory Scott Hale of Tennessee is facing jail for killing and eating a woman and leaving a disturbing trail of the crime in social media, Huffington Post reported.

In his Facebook posts, Hale joked on whether a vegetarian person would taste like soy meat. He has been known to be a fan of serial killer Richard Ramirez who died in 2013.