Two cast members from the "Outlander" TV series answered questions about what it would be like to time travel through the magical stones that feature in the show. The two actors candidly spoke about the time period they would like to travel to and the famous people they would like to meet.

The question asked to the actors was whether it was possible for a person to come back to the present time after time travelling. This perhaps is one question that fans of the "Outlander" TV series also have on their minds. So far Claire has come very close to touching the magic stones, but has been unable to do so. It is also unclear whether touching the stones will transport her back to the time where her husband is waiting for her.

Grant O'Rourke and Stephen Walters play the roles of Rupert MacKenzie and Angus Mhor respectively in "Outlander" TV series. Stephen was confident that a person who has travelled to the past can come back. He was personally interested in travelling to the 1960s.

According to Stephen, the 1960s are all about music, film and culture. He also said that it was politically the most interesting time. The one music band that he mentioned was The Beatles. Grant suggested that he take a camera with him when he travels back in time.

Grant O'Rouke was interested to know how tall Jesus was. He said that people were "pretty short then." Stephen put his palm to his face after hearing the comments of his colleague. Grant also said that there were many famous personalities of the past that he would like to go back and punch.

He, however, did not want to go back in time because, according to him, the microbes and bacteria change in a span of 50 to 100 years and a person travelling back in time may not have the immune system to cope with the environment of the past.

The two ways he believed that he would die if he travelled back in time were either by contracting dysentery or by being stabbed to death by a Gaelic speaking man that he didn't know. Fans of the franchise can see both the actors again on screen when "Outlander" TV series returns on April 4, 2015.

Source - YouTube/ Starz

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