'Outlander' star Sam Heughan 'smells': Caitriona Balfe answers fan questions

“Outlander” star Caitriona Balfe had promised to answer fan questions if she reached the milestone of 200k followers on her Twitter page. The active fan base of the TV series managed to help her reach that goal pretty quickly, and the actress kept her promise.
In typical Balfe (Claire) style, the actress used humour to keep her conversation with the fans light hearted. Her witty comments were so engaging that some of her fellow cast members on the show also joined in to have fun.
As Balfe is famous for her portrayal of the character Claire, one of the fans asked her what was common between the character and the actress. In reply, Balfe said that they both adapt well, but both could be “a little bit irritable.” On this comment she asked her fellow cast member Sam Heughan (Jamie Fraser) to share his views.
While Jamie has to deal with a strong minded woman in Claire, Heughan has to deal with what happens behind the scenes while filming “Outlander.” The actor said that he wasn’t going to say anything, but later added that Balfe was way better than her onscreen character.
When a fan asked if Heughan is really as charming in real life, Balfe didn’t hold back. “Nope,” she said and explained that he is “really mean.” She also jokingly added that “he smells.” Most of the fans, especially those who had the chance to meet with Heughan, pointed out that he smelled really good.
Balfe was then asked to address a scene in the gag reel that was released previously. During the filming of an intimate lovemaking scene with Heughan, it seemed like she burped. The actress said that it wasn’t a burp, but the very “heavy” Heughan made her “groan (ahem) or a snort laugh.” Her fellow cast member also came to her rescue and admitted that he was “VERY HEAVY” and said that it was “snort laugh for sure. Or losing oxygen.”
Enjoying the conversation, Heughan decided to ask one himself. He asked if Balfe could wear the baby bump on the set again. Balfe was happy to oblige her fellow cast member, but one of the fans reminded him that this was Balfe’s Q&A so he shouldn’t bother her with his “obsession” with pregnant Claire.
When a fan asked Balfe to name a favourite thing about Heughan, she decided to poke fun at him by saying he had a third nipple on his butt. Her fellow cast member later joined in that joke and admitted that he did have one.
All the jokes and fun also prompted Romann Berrux (Fergus) to ask Balfe a question. He wanted to know her favourite French actor who has blue eyes, curly hair, very tall and who is 15-years-old.
Balfe was back to filming “Outlander” Season 3 after answering all the fan questions. She teased a line she heard on the set. “You’ve obviously done that before,” is the line she heard on the set and the actress described it as the best line ever.
@caitrionambalfe @iamlauracm saying nothing... _
— Sam Heughan (@SamHeughan) October 26, 2016
(Cait waaaay better than Claire! _ )
.@chip_099 @SamHeughan Nope. Really mean AND he smells. #AskCait
— Caitriona Balfe (@caitrionambalfe) October 26, 2016
.@MrStevenCree I think the single occurance that created @SamHeughan is probably more than I could ask for in one lifetime #AskCait
— Caitriona Balfe (@caitrionambalfe) October 26, 2016
@caitrionambalfe @heyheykatiemae VERY HEAVY. Snort laugh for sure. Or losing oxygen...
— Sam Heughan (@SamHeughan) October 26, 2016
.@AllisonONeill7 @SamHeughan exactly !!!! Jezzzzz dude. #AskCait
— Caitriona Balfe (@caitrionambalfe) October 26, 2016
.@emmascaptn @SamHeughan His third nipple. On his bum #AskCait
— Caitriona Balfe (@caitrionambalfe) October 26, 2016
@caitrionambalfe @AngelainSJ the lady speaks true
— Sam Heughan (@SamHeughan) October 26, 2016
.@BrianOMarra Hate them all .... Never talk to them ever. Or go drinking .... _ #AskCait
— Caitriona Balfe (@caitrionambalfe) October 26, 2016
.@SamHeughan If only they knew the photo's I have of you Sam ... #blackmail #AskCait
— Caitriona Balfe (@caitrionambalfe) October 26, 2016
.@romannberrux god .. if only I knew someone just like that it would be them. Xxx #AskCait
— Caitriona Balfe (@caitrionambalfe) October 26, 2016
.@dornanftheughan it could all go away in an instant. So enjoy. #AskCait
— Caitriona Balfe (@caitrionambalfe) October 26, 2016
Heard on set today " you've obviously done that before " @ankenneyy #bestlineever #loveyou
— Caitriona Balfe (@caitrionambalfe) October 27, 2016