If the economy is going down, one should minimize paying and cut back on investment in foreign stock or goods, advises The Simple Dollar, a financial blog.

One can make investments that are profitable even though economy will experience a tough time. Businesses that are always on the go usually have something to do with, food, land and alternative energy resources and the like. Inflation or deflation of dollar can guide a person whether to delay payments if needed. So one can just simply pay whatever debts that needs to be paid if the worth of dollars by that time is not same, preferably not as much as the worth of the current dollars. By this way, it will lessen the burden of the investors.

On the lighter phase of the economy or if the economy is in good trend, investors can minimize debts so that personal income will be at its peak, there will be a continuous flow of cash. By that way, one can maximize the advantages offered by a tougher economy. If rebound in stock is perceived, you can make an investment now so that it can prosper in the near future.

Both optimism and pessimism can help achieve prosperity of a person when it comes to business venture or investments. Thus, there is a light side on being pessimistic but make sure that it is well balanced with being optimistic. Proper expectations needs to be set and make sure that monitoring of the status of economy is done, to know if economy is expanding or shrinking.