How's the mercury retrograde 2013 been affecting you? Since its start on Oct. 21, have you been noticing gadgets failing, exes showing up, or may be a lot of miscommunication happening? Whether or not you've been feeling its effects, here's a follow-up represented in 10 Rs to help you stay out of all its wackiness.

1 - Renew

For anyone who is in a relationship, the mercury retrograde is the first time to renew your vows and commitment to each other. You can celebrate it over a simple dinner or even make it grand by inviting your closest friends and family.

2 - Refresh

Ensure that you take the time to clean out your stuff and rearrange things. This is something that you should make a habit of even during the normal days of the year.

3 - Recall

If you are single, then it can be helpful for your relationships to grow by searching for an old love or maybe get in touch with old friends.

4 - Reconcile

This season is a good time to simply forgive and forget. If you've been holding some grudges on someone else, then it is time to move on by not just forgiving but also forgetting.

5 - Rest

Some say that it is not advised to travel during the retrograde period, but for as long as you'd keep communication systems clear, then take the time to travel and take a break.

6 - Rejuvenate

Take care of your health. In addition to getting some rest by travelling, why not take opportunity of the retrograde to get a lot of sleep?

7 - Redesign

Ensure that your house represents yourself. Let your home go through a redesign process that stays within your budget.

8 - Revise

Review your resume and goals in life for the retrograde will favor any change that you will put into your documents.

9 - Read

Reminisce some of the best milestones and moments in your life by reading your old journals and reflections.

10 - Reminisce

It won't hurt to watch your movies or listen to old songs that have always been your all-time favorite.

You still have up to November 10 to try to do all these Rs during the mercury retrograde 2013!

(Video Credit: YouTube/KRSchannel)