Malcolm X home surprise: 'What the heck was going on here in the 18th century?' Archaeologists ask

Evidence of a 1700s settlement has been found by archaeologists while digging at civil rights activist Malcolm X’s childhood home in Boston. The find has come as a big surprise as no one expected it to be there.
Archaeologist Joseph Bagley revealed that they found kitchenware, ceramics and other evidence that indicates that there was a 1700s settlement in Malcolm X’s home, Yahoo reports. The dig took place outside his two and a half storey building, where the unexpected objects surfaced.
A whole layer beneath the whole site is said to contain evidence of the ancient settlement. The archaeologists only had to dig two feet to unearth the objects. The find has puzzled the team and Bagley said that their biggest research question now was “What the heck was going on here in the 18th century?”
The find also came as a shock to Rodnell Collins, who is a nephew of the late civil rights activist. Collins also grew up in the same house but never expected that there would be such a big treasure trove of items with historic significance.
Collins said that the find was “fantastic and enlightening.” He pointed out that this was a part of the history of Boston. “It’s a terrific educational opportunity, and that’s what this family is all about. That’s what Uncle Malcolm was about.” He said.
Before Malcolm X, the property was owned by an Irish immigrant family who lived there during the time of the Great Depression. The house was built in 1874 and the archaeologists believed the property to be a farmland before that. However, the researchers now believe that there was a house on or near the dig site during the Colonial era.
The dig at Malcolm X’s house has currently been halted due to bad weather. The dig is expected to continue from May 16. Collins and the researchers are eager to see what the next phase of the dig will reveal.