In an irony of ironies, American Apparel CEO Dov Charney was fired on Wednesday by the board of directors from the company he founded for lack of apparel while dancing in front of two female employees.

To make matters worse for the 45-year-old naked Canadian executive who posted the clip on the video sharing site Viddme, someone discovered the short film and tipped Gawker, which published the 1-minute, 15-second video that showed the nude CEO also talking on his mobile phone while gyrating.

The daily cited a former model of American Apparel as confirming it is Charney who is the man in his birthday suit in the video, Another ex-employee confirmed the two women are also connected with the apparel company.

In a press statement, the board said that Charney, who had faced several sexual misconduct complaints from female workers in the past, was terminated for cause.

In the previous cases, the board sided with their CEO, while the claims were either settled or dismissed. Named as interim CEO is John Luttrell, the chief financial officer.

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