A 17-year old from Queensland who refers to himself as the Australian Paris Hilton gained at least 200k fans and followers in the social media in just few months. The high school dropout sky rocketed from a no-man to a social media 'celebrity' in just a short span of time.

Kurt Jay Coleman gained following after he associate himself to Paris. He is probably one of the most famous teenagers in Australia nowadays. In a report from News.com.au, the teen from Gold Coast has already gathered a massive 177,000 Facebook fans and more than 89,000 Instagram followers.

Coleman's popularity makes him an instant internet sensation which made him a guest in several TV and radio shows. Fans might have love the way he carried himself and how he feed his social media accounts with daily ‘selfies’ and witty personal quotes.

Chocolate cake.. Yum pic.twitter.com/8qWATQzML3

— Kurt Coleman (@KurtJayColeman) April 12, 2014

In an interview he had with News.com.au, the man revealed that he did not really planned to be famous.

“I didn’t really plan it or anything. I just be who I am and everyone seems to be fascinated by that. People come up to me all day, people that don’t like me, people that love me, and they follow me around. They stalk me, and it’s kind of a bit creepy but it’s funny,” Coleman said.

The teen who was said to be obsessed in sun tan sprays, also revealed about how he handled death threats as he was getting some for being too popular.

He also emphasized that he does not care about school as schools do not really teach things that matter. He, also, is not interested in dating anyone as he is more interested with his career and himself as of the moment.

Coleman currently earns by going to parties and yogurt shops implying that his presence in these places makes him money. He gets paid by going to these places.

The Australian teen plans to start a career on television and be passionate about it. But as of now there were no television networks approaching him.

The confidence Coleman has exceeds beyond the usual which made a lot to question whether he is really a celebrity in the making or just a plain narcissist. Either way, the Australian teenager is truly a character.