Celebrities celebrated Halloween 2015 by wearing their favourite costumes and spending time with their families. Kourtney Kardashian and Alyssa Milano decided to share pictures of them wearing Wonder Woman costumes.

Kardashian shared two pictures of her dressed in a Wonder Woman costume on her Instagram page. The first picture shows her standing in front of a classic pink car and the second picture appears to have been taken inside a house. Each picture has over a million “likes” and over 25 thousand comments by her fans.

Milano on the other hand decided to share a throwback picture of her, on her official Facebook page. The picture shows her breastfeeding her baby. “#tbt 2014 Wonder Woman #normalizebreastfeeding,” she wrote on her post. Through the photo she is supporting the cause of making breastfeeding normal in public.

Gal Gadot, who plays the lead role in “Wonder Woman” movie, shared a picture of her in the movie costume on her Instagram page last week. The picture is of “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice,” in which she will be seen playing the super hero for the first time.

The picture shows the actress and her fellow cast members Henry Cavill (Superman) and Ben Affleck (Batman). “Beyond excited to be playing Wonder Woman in ‘Batman v. Superman,” the actress wrote in her post. Gadot also tagged Cavill in the post. “Welcome to the social media world Superman,” she wrote.

“Wonder Woman” movie is slated to be released on June 23, 2017 in the US. The released date of the movie in Australia has not been announced by the producers so far. The movie will be directed by Patty Jenkins and the only other confirmed cast member is Chris Pine. Pine plays the role of Steve Trevor, who is the love interest of the protagonist.

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