Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian Not Welcome at the Hamptons

Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian may be happy filming their new show, "Kourtney and Khloe Takes the Hamptons," but the locals are quite divided on how they feel about the famous sisters shooting at their place. According to various reports, some of the locals claimed they wish to have nothing to do with the Kardashian sisters at all while a few think the sisters are acting bratty and making outrageous demands from them while filming. Still, other reports claim there are residents who are quite happy that such famous reality stars are in their midst.
According to Radar Online, the locals think the sisters are too demanding, asking them to close their shops so that only them can shop while they shoot. The locals think that it would not be much a problem if they wanted them in the area in the first place. However, that is not the case for all locals, Radar Online reports.
"It is really upsetting people who didn't want them there in the beginning," one of the locals shared to Radar Online. "Even the title of the show makes everybody want to throw up. Their filming demands are outrageous."
When the sisters brought their film crew to the east coast summer hotspot, locals have become outraged that they are being too demanding of the store owners where the sisters wanted to be filmed.
"Before they go to a store they have someone from their production team call the store and say that they will give them 24 hour notice when they are coming to shop at their establishments so that they can close their shop for them. They also neglected to mention they are travelling with television cameras, crews and photographers," the outraged local shared to Radar Online.
Fortunately, not everyone feels like this. Radar online reports that Stevenson's Toys owner Roy Stevenson like the sisters because they were not disruptive while shopping and shooting atthe same time. The owner also believes that the sisters have every right to be in the summer hotspot and going around stores. "Why can't the Kardashians buy presents for their kids?" he asked. "They picked up a pretty good assortment of things while they were here."
The sisters on the other hand, are having the time of their lives at the Hamptons. According to E! Online, Khloe and Kourtney were seen out and about while trying to settle down in to their new surroundings. They were also seen smiling and happy while having lunch at Zach Erdem's 75 Main.