iOS 10.3.1 Jailbreak hopes rekindled but from a different source

Seeing an iOS 10.3.1 jailbreak may be a futile wait, with Pangu still unable to show off the crack they allegedly had. The initial word was that the Chinese hacking group would rolled it out once iOS 10.3.2 is seeded, though nothing has come close the past few weeks.
Pangu is no stranger for making the Apple Jailbreaking Community wait. They did it with the iOS 10 Jailbreak that never saw the light of day, so it hardly comes as a surprise that nothing has been rolled out. So if ever an iOS jailbreak tool would come out, it would most likely originate from another person or group. Adam Donenfeld of Zimperium mentioned a potential iOS 10.3.1 exploit. There is also the Yalu102 in beta 7. These could be the best chances of seeing an Apple crack, though it also depends on a prerequisite – the mobile OS signings.
Apple is still signing iOS 10.3.1, a bit weird since the Cupertino company normally wraps up support for older mobile operating systems. Actually, support for iOS 10.3.1 should have been cut a week after iOS 10.3.2 came out. Though that could still crop up in the coming weeks, iOS 10.3.1 looms as the cryptic version most would want to stick to first before upgrading to the latest OS.
While the number of iPhone owners who dare stick to iOS 10.3.1 may not be that many, folks wanting a new iOS jailbreak could wait for now. Despite the fact that seeing a fully-working iOS 10.3.1 jailbreak is not that great, it could be worth a shot. With any luck, a potential jailbreak could be out by August.
The number of iPhone owners still hoping for an iOS 10 jailbreak may not be that high anymore, especially since the last working jailbreak was for 9.3.3. There have been improvised cracks that followed, though it paled in comparison to a full crack for the Apple device. Sticking to iOS 10.3.1 for that reason could be possible, but some may want to see first if iOS 10.3.2 is bug-free.
As of writing, there are no issues reported, and most may be pressured to upgrade soon. iOS 10.3.3. is already in the second beta, one that comes with minor tweaks, as covered in a previous post. Once that rolls out, expect Apple to cease signing iOS 10.3.1 and weather (once again) the iOS jailbreaking hopes for select users.