Which part of the world do you want to spend the rest of your life in happiness? According to a 2013 World Happiness Report, the best choices are found within Northern Europe.

According to the report sent out by Columbia University's Earth Institute, people who are searching to achieve greater happiness in life should stay away from living or staying in countries affected by the eurozone crisis like Egypt. On the other hand, some of the acknowledged "happiest" countries in the list include Sweden, Netherlands, Norway, Denmark and Switzerland.

The US only came at rank 17 while Canada is at 6th and Australia at 10th happiest country in the world. UK was reported at 22nd with China at 93rd and Russia at 68th.

The survey conducted around the world between 2010 to 2012 discovered too that the globe has turned out happier and even more grateful and generous in the last five years that passed. Its reduced levels of happiness only occur when there are political and economic troubles that arise.

Hence, due to the eurozone crisis, various countries like Spain, Portugal and Greece have declined from the rankings and the largest of fails were that of Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The report emphasized too that one of the factors which greatly affect the reduction of happiness is when people are suddenly given a limit with their freedom to make their own choices. The factor of low income is nothing as big as limit on people's freedom to choose.

According to one of the authors of the study, various governments agree that one key to improve the overall happiness rate of a country is to allot resources on determining mental illness and providing solutions for it.