'Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life' ending does not sit well with Alexis Bledel and Lauren Graham

In November 2016, Netflix released four movie-length revival episodes for “Gilmore Girls,” entitled “A Year In The Life.” There as a lot of hype surrounding the release, but the general position on the return season was a positive one. Despite this, however, stars Alexis Bledel and Lauren Graham are unhappy with the ending of their characters.
Executive producer Amy Sherman-Palladino had talked a lot about the last four words of the show, and when Netflix released “A Year In The Life,” fans were able to finally hear what they were. Warning: Spoilers below.
Rory (Bledel): Mom?
Lorelai (Graham): Yeah?
Rory: I’m pregnant.
The ending left many jaws on the floor and started an online debate about who the father could be. And just like most of their fans, Graham has strong feelings about it. “It’s not an ending, it’s a cliff-hanger!” she said during an event for Emmy contenders (via E! News). “It took me a minute, but I eventually loved it… but it’s not an ending.”
Meanwhile, Bledel admitted that it was not the ending that she was expecting or hoping for. She told the press that she had spoken with Sherman-Palladino, and the actress discussed the ending she would have liked Rory to get. As most viewers had also hoped for, Bledel wanted to see Rory succeed. Instead, there was a question over Rory’s career and the added difficulty of a baby in her future.
Because of the stars' feelings towards the ending, some have speculated that the cast and crew might have another season of “Gilmore Girls” in them. Netflix has already gone on the record to confirm that it would love to release more episodes for the series. Moreover, the streaming site had said it was undergoing initial talks with Sherman-Palladino and co-creator Dan Palladino. However, Bledel and Graham were a little less enthusiastic about it.
Bledel admitted that it would depend on the story that they end up telling. Meanwhile, Graham merely shared that it might not be in the characters’ best interest to pursue another season. These statements, however, are not confirmations nor denials.
“Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life” was released in November last year. All the original and revival seasons can be watched on Netflix international.
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