'Games Of Thrones' Star Kit Harington Wants To Play 'Batman'; Jared Leto Says 'Batman Is Dead' On 'Suicide Squad'

Kit Harington of "Games of Thrones" can see himself playing "Batman." Jared Leto, however, told a fan that Batman is already dead, which leads people to think that he just released a spoiler of "Suicide Squad."
In an interview with MTV UK, Kit Harington, who plays Jon Snow in "Games of Thrones" said he believes that he's a perfect "Batman." He expressed his interest to play a superhero, especially the one with the black cape, "Batman."
However, he said that if he would be given the chance, he would give the character a much-needed new spin. He said that the Batman films have become "too brooding" of late and he would change that. ""He's gone way too dark and serious. I'd like proper spandex," he said.
He does not think that Batman is the only superhero that has become too serious or brooding. In general, he observes all superhero movies becoming "too serious." He said they need to "get silly again."
If Jared Leto is to be believed, though, there would be no more Batman for Kit Harington to play in the future. Comic Book reported that Leto, who was cast to play "Batman's" long-time villain "The Joker" in the upcoming "Suicide Squad" movie, got carried away with his role. When a fan told him that he is reminding him of Batman, he told the fan that Batman is already dead. Comic Book reports that this must be Jared Leto playing with the fan's head as "The Joker" or was an accidental slip of what might happen in the "Suicide Squad," or even Zack Snyder's "Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice."
Meanwhile, Tom Hardy was reported to have left his role as Rick Flag in the movie "Suicide Squad" because of script changes. Under the new script, Jared Leto and Will Smith would have considerably more screen time while he would have less exposure. With him leaving, Marvel is reportedly eyeing Jake Gyllenhaal as his possible replacement. Rick Flag is the leader of the Suicide Squad, a team of dangerous and convicted criminals enlisted by the government to help carry out a deadly secret mission.