'Game of Thrones' Season 6 spoilers: 'Get rid of Daario and bring on the ladies' for more 'flirtation,’ Emilia Clarke

“Get rid of Daario and bring on the ladies,” Emilia Clarke said commenting on an interaction between her character and Yara Greyjoy. The actress appears in a video released online, to talk about the “mild flirtation” between the two characters.
[Spoiler alert]
Yara Greyjoy (Gemma Whelan) and her brother Theon (Alfie Allen) approached Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) with a simple request. She wanted the Iron Islands and in return she was ready to offer her ships and consider anything else that the Mother of Dragons desired.
Euron Greyjoy (Pilou Asbæk) is also prepared to make a similar promise to Daenerys. However, his offer comes attached with a proposal of marriage. He also wants to kill his niece and nephew, who are a threat to his rule as long as they are alive.
Yara managed to convince Daenerys, by talking about how she would be the first woman to rule the Iron Islands, the same way Daenerys would be the first to sit on the Iron Throne.
Talking about this scene from “Game of Thrones” Season 6, Clarke said that the lovely thing about it is that her character gets to meet more of her peers, and someone who has been in a similar situation as her. Whelan points out that the stakes are high for both the characters, but they enjoy the chat.
Clarke said that her character feels like a little girl remarking “there’s another bad--s chick in the place…ok.”
“There’s mild flirtation, which is exciting to say the least,” Clarke said. “I mean get rid of Daario [Michiel Huisman] and bring on the ladies…why not?” she said.
The two strong female characters shake hands and form an alliance in “Game of Thrones” Season 6. While Daenerys respects what Yara wants, the Greyjoys agree to change their ways and not trouble Westeros. The alliance takes the Mother of Dragons one step closer to taking the Iron Throne.
Credit: YouTube/ GameofThrones