‘Game of Thrones’ Season 6 spoilers: Apart from R+L=J, new theory suggests Meera Reed may be Jon Snow’s sister

While fans are very close to proving the R+L=J theory, a new theory suggests Meera Reed (Ellie Kendrick) may have a familial connection to Jon Snow (Kit Harington). [Spoiler Alert] The world rejoiced as the Bastard of Winterfell gasped back to life in “Game of Thrones” Season 6, episode 2.
Thanks to Melisandre (Carice van Houten), Snow was brought back from the dead despite her doubts about her own capabilities. Now, Bran Stark (Isaac Hempstead Wright) has sprung into action along with mentor Three-eyed raven (Max von Sydow) to unravel the past to the fans.
Episode 3, “Oathbreaker” showed young Ned Stark (Robert Aramayo) travelling to the Tower of Joy with six of his men, including Howland Reed, to defeat three Targaryen guards. It is assumed that Ned was going to save his dying sister Lyanna Stark (Cordelia Hill). Unfortunately, the Three-eyed Raven decided to keep viewers waiting and brought back Bran from his trip.
In the third episode, fans were very close to proving the R+L=J theory, which suggests Snow is a Targaryen and the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. “Game of Thrones” has taken a unique approach in Season 6 to time-travel back into the past via Bran’s visions. However, it is also possible that Jon may have a sister and that might be Meera.
Theorists believe that there might be another Targaryen/Stark baby in the Tower of Joy where young Ned Stark was seen going. Meera is currently in the North and looking after Bran. While many may call it stretching the lines a bit too far, as per the appendixes of “A Song of Ice and Fire,” both Meera and Jon were born in the same year and they can very well be twin children of Lyanna Stark.
“I genuinely don’t have any idea as we don’t get told anything! But, I don’t know. I think people might just be thinking that because we’ve both got curly hair. In the books, our characters are described quite differently ... I think there's definitely a mystery to Meera and Jojen and their parentage, but I think it'll unwind itself eventually,” Kendrick had told Digital Spy earlier in February.
In the HBO show, the two look relatively similar with same kind of hair. Moreover, George RR Martin describes Meera as “flat chested,” “short and slim” and not beautiful. She is not beautiful but Theon Greyjoy finds her attractive and Bran falls in love with her. Arya’s descriptions also match with the description above and it is known that Arya bears striking resemblance to Lyanna Stark in the books.