'Game of Thrones' Season 4 Spoilers: Episode 9 Shockers, The Imp and The Bastard, Plus A Much-Awaited Comeback [Watch Promo Video]
GOT and ASoIaF fans, who is ready for Lady Stoneheart?

"Game of Thrones" Season 4, Episode 9, titled "The Watchers on the Wall," airs June 8 on HBO. "The Imp" and "The Bastard" are central characters in this year's penultimate episode. Fans expect shockers, as "Red Wedding" images stream back in their memory. A much-awaited comeback for a beloved character, could also be seen this week's must-watch pre-finale special.
Spoiler alert: This feature contains spoilers on Game of Thrones Season 4. Read at your own risk.
In Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 8, Oberyn Martell (Pedro Pascal) meets a gory death in the hands of The Mountain (Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson). Tywin Lannister (Charles Dance) announces death as penalty for Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage). Meanwhile, Littlefinger (Aidan Gillen), King Joffrey's real murderer, remains free.
Lord Varys aka The Spider (Conleth Hill) is playing a very crucial part in Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 9 if the TV adaptation sticks to "A Storm of Swords," the third book in George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series from which HBO's GOT is based. Tyrion kills Tywin in the 'Storm' after learning the truth about his first wife.
ASoIaF readers also expect Tyrion to kill Shae (Sibel Kekilli), as well. All the blood and gore in Game of Thrones Season 3, Episode 9 ("The Rains of Castamere") will haunt viewers anew as more ghastly scenes unfold in Season 4's penultimate episode.
The bastard son of Ned Stark (at least that is who he is as far as GOT viewers are concerned), Jon Snow (Kit Harington), has his own tough challenge at The Wall. The episode synopsis mentions Jon and the rest of the Night's Watch are to face "the most dangerous challenge to the Wall ever seen."
Meanwhile, there is a possibility that Lady Stoneheart, the new persona of Catelyn Stark (Michelle Fairley), will emerge in Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 9 or 10. The GOT 4 finale is likely to be more subdued that the ninth episode, but it could feature the new frightening makeover of Lady Stoneheart.
WATCH: Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 9 ('The Watchers on the Wall') | GOT 4x9 Promo Video
Tyrion Lannister's role play account on Twitter warns fans. Social media commentaries are expected to flood after the premiere broadcast of 'The Watchers.' Game of Thrones Saeson 4, Episode 9 has the potential to eclipse the Red Wedding. Fans can also watch GOT 4x9 on HBO Go.
A friendly reminder that last years Game of Thrones episode 9 was "The Rains of Castamere"
— Tyrion Lannister (@GoT_Tyrion) June 8, 2014
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