'Fear the Walking Dead' Season 2: Travis and team will meet sea bound refugees

Travis and his team of survivors will get to meet a group of sea bound refugees in “Fear the Walking Dead” Season 2. A new trailer of the TV series teases some of the scenes from the next season and hints at the fact that even at sea the survivors are not really safe.
A trailer of the next season posted on Entertainment Weekly, shows that Travis (Cliff Curtis) and his team will manage to reach Victor Strand’s (Colman Domingo) yacht in the next episode. With the lands fully infested with the walking dead, it was Victor’s idea to stock up on supplies and head to the sea, thinking that the walking dead will not be able to reach them there.
The team, however, still has to deal with other groups in the next season. The first group they will encounter will be a group of sea bound refugees. Since everyone is already infected with the virus that brings them back after death; the death of anyone on the yacht would endanger the entire group.
The refugees Travis and his team will encounter in “Fear the Walking Dead” Season 2 will be on a raft. The trailer shows the concerned group members drawing their guns.
Showrunner Dave Erickson had previously revealed that the refugees will not have the instinct to “live in harmony” and they will be interested in making sure they protect their provisions and their family members. The group will also have their morals “compromised,” just as Travis and his group had their morals compromised while trying to survive.
“So there’s going to be a very serious threat from other people, as there is constantly on ‘The Walking Dead,” Erickson said. “Fear the Walking Dead” Season 2 is set to premiere on April 10 on AMC.