The appearance of traditional wire teeth straighteners has prevented many people, particularly adults, from having their teeth straightened in the past. This is despite the increasing prevalence of issues with misaligned teeth and their health consequences, including plaque build-up. The first clear aligners, called Invisalign, hit the market in 1997, and the technology offered more people the option of straightening their teeth discreetly.

Reviews show that over the last two decades, clear aligner treatments have continued to improve, offering better teeth straightening treatment results, especially in teeth with less severe malocclusions. These aligners are becoming so popular, leading to a huge variety of effective products available for consumers around the world.

Additionally, the clear aligner market is projected to grow from $2.85 billion in 2021 to $10.04 billion in 2028. According to Fortune Business Insights, that is a CAGR of 19.7% from 2021 to 2028.

Growth in Demand for Customized Aligners

Clear Aligner Hub is an online media company that covers innovations in cosmetic dentistry in Australia. Their expertise in the field and in-depth reviews, allow them to provide a practical guideline to consumers with detailed guides on these innovations, particularly at-home clear aligners.

As the experts in direct-to-consumer teeth-straightening products, they reveal the aspects which have led to the huge growth in the demand for customized aligners, particularly at-home clear aligners.

Availability to All

The demand for at-home clear aligners has continued to grow since they first hit the market a few years back. The ongoing lockdowns since 2020 have not only caused an increase in anxiety about physical appearances, thanks to all the Zoom meetings, but they have also led to many dental practices being closed. At-home clear aligners presented the immediate solution, leading to an amplified demand.

Additionally, many people in remote areas don’t have easy access to aesthetic dental treatments. At-home clear aligners offer them the convenience of getting supervised teeth straightening treatments.

Comfortable and Discreet

Traditional braces may have the advantage of being able to correct even the most difficult alignment issues, but they are neither comfortable nor discreet. For many adolescents and adults with less severe issues, these teeth straightening treatments are not an option. Before clear aligners were readily available to them, they would have preferred to do nothing perfecting their smile.

Improved Teeth Alignment Speed

At-home clear aligners require shorter treatment times. In many cases, results are achieved in half the time than with traditional braces and Invisalign clear aligners. However, the experts warn that it is important that the aligners are worn for the hours prescribed by the consulting orthodontist for the treatment. Options include night-time aligners which are only worn for 10 hours at night as opposed to the 22 hours of others.

Saving Time and Money

The cost of in-office teeth straightening and the time required to make the constant in-office visits are both prohibitive factors for many people wanting to straighten their teeth. With Invisalign teeth straightening treatments starting from around AU $4,100 and surpassing AU $10,000, these at-home clear aligners are very affordable and are often less than AU $2,000.

All the companies set the customized treatment according to the scans or impressions they receive from their customers. Included in the treatment is customer support to help with any issues.

At-Home Clear Aligners in Australia

For many years, Australians, just like everyone else, were only able to access clear aligner treatments through orthodontists, with the most popular being Invisalign. This is by far the most complex clear aligner teeth straightening treatment on the market because it requires visits to an orthodontist. However, Invisalign allows the orthodontist to incorporate the use of other devices, like elastics, to treat more severe teeth straightening issues.

Similar to Invisalign, a-home customized aligners are also invisible. They are the perfect alternative to traditional braces and Invisalign because they are affordable, faster, comfortable, and convenient.

Popular Clear Aligners in Australia include among others SmileDirectClub, WonderSmile, EZ Smile, SmilePath, and Byte.

Last Take

Aesthetics aside, teeth straightening has become important for the well-being of more people than ever before. Thanks to the continual advances in technology, including tele-dentistry and 3D printers, the demand for clear aligners continues to grow globally, including in Australia. It helps that they are faster, more convenient, and cheaper than other teeth straightening treatments