His most recent role was on the small screen in the critically acclaimed but short-lived HBO series "Luck" - and while "Luck" was canceled, he just got lucky in other terms! Dustin Hoffman, the two-time Oscar winner recently underwent successful surgical treatment for cancer and has been cured since the doctors caught it early on.

He will continue to undergo preventive treatment to minimize the risk of the cancer re-occurring as per his doctor's orders. While it's not clear as to what the cancer was - it's great to hear that Dusty is up and at 'em. Just last year, this 75-year-old actor made his directorial debut with "Quartet" starring Maggie Smith, Bill Connolly and Tom Courtenay. With a 6.7 IMDB rating, this movie won Dustin Hoffman The Breakthrough Director award at the Hollywood Film Festival. He's also just finished shooting for the Jon Favreau directed "Chef" along with co-stars Robert Downey Kr, Sofia Vergara and Scarlett Johansson. He'll also been seen next in "Esio Trot" with Dame Judi Dench and "Boys Choir"

With this win over this rather dreaded disease, Dustin has joined the long league of other stars who recently fought cancer in the last decade including Christina Applegate, Michael C Hall, Michelle Monghan, Ewan McGregor, Michael Douglas, Eddie Falco, Robert DeNiro, Eric Dane, Jane Fonda and singers Sheryl Crow and Kylie Minogue...

The fear of this disease is such that Angeline Jolie recently underwent preventive double mastectomy to avoid getting breast cancer - since her family has a strong genetic history of the disease. But the fact that celebs openly discuss their struggle with this disease gives hope to many equally valiant fighters in the world.