Duggar family
A picture of Jill and Derick of the Duggar family. Facebook/ Duggar Family Official

Cathy Byrum Dillard, who the Duggar family lovingly calls Grandma C, is cancer free. Dillard attributes her healing to god. She is no longer in a wheel chair and even managed to visit Central America and played with her grandchild Israel.

Dillard was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma two weeks after Jill and Dereck’s engagement. The couple also visited the old lady in the hospital on their wedding day. Dillard was in a wheel chair at that time but was happy to see the couple. She even complemented them on how they looked.

Dillard was not expected to survive, according to the family’s blog, but she seems to have recovered quickly. “She attributes her healing and peace during the storm to the Lord,” the family announced.

In fact, Dillard is so fit now that she has even travelled to Central America and met with Jill, Derick and their child Israel a couple of times. She spent her time shopping and was also able to do some cooking while she was there. The Duggar family announced that she is “back to work.”

Dillard was a huge help and was an “asset” to them, as she helped out with Israel. She loves her grandson and loves spending time with him and the couple. When it was finally time for her to leave, Dillard got emotional. She said she did not know how long it was going to be before she could see her grandson again.

When Dillard was saying goodbye and was preparing to leave, Israel started to cry and wanted to hug her. The couple said that their son would especially miss spending time with his grandmother.

Commenting on the post, some of the readers pointed out that the Duggar family may have posted an old video and not the more recent visit of Grandma C. However, most of the fans said that the video was precious; showing the love of a cancer free grandmother and her grandson.