An Indonesian man who left his nine dogs to starve while he went on a two week holiday was has been ripped apart and eaten by the hungry animals when he returned home.

Police have reported finding Andre Lumboga's body ripped to pieces on earlier in the week after a guard found that a revolting smell was wafting from his house in the Batam Centre district of the Riau Islands, a province of Indonesia north east of Singapore in the South China Sea.

The guard had gone to Lumboga's house to investigate after noticing the 50-year-old's suitcase sitting outside the front door five days after he returned from his trip, The Sun reports.

Police chief Eriyana said the man's skull was found in a different part of the house severed from his body.

"We suspect that the dogs were hungry, so they attacked Andre, because they had not been fed for a fortnight," Eriyana told the media on Wednesday.

Seven out of the nine dogs ate the two other canines in a desperate act of cannibalism before eating their master, the Jakarta Post reveals.

Lumboga was from the island of Sulawesi - an area in Indonesia where the local diet famously includes dogs, bats and forest rats, according to reports by The Sun.