We all know that Diabetes is a metabolic condition wherein the person has high glucose levels, the body has difficulty utilizing insulin, or simply because the body just can't produce adequate amounts of insulin. This disease can lead to several complications like heart attack, kidney failure, and erectile dysfunction, to name a few.

But on top of these complications, the Japanese researchers found out that Diabetes can also lead to Alzheimer's disease and Dementia. Alzheimer's disease is a condition associated with loss of cognitive ability and has something to do with abnormal protein and tissue accumulation in the cerebral cortex of the brain. This is the most common type of Dementia.

There were studies conducted to justify the link between Diabetes, the risk of Alzheimer's disease, and Dementia however, there were no conclusive results revealed. This is exactly the reason why a group of Japanese investigators decided to do a thorough search for answers themselves.

The Japanese researchers have been conducting studies on heart diseases since 1961 in Hisayama. Then in the year 1988, a glucose tolerance test was done to more than 1,000 adult residents of Hisayama to observe the status of the glucose production of their bodies. After 15 years, the researchers, performed a follow up assessment and, found out that 232 of the 1000 participants had dementia.

Those who were diagnosed with Diabetes had a 74% risk of developing dementia compared to a person with normal glucose levels. Prediabetics or those who have abnormal glucose levels but not classified as a diabetic have a 35% tendency to develop dementia.

In the whole course of the study, researchers discovered that Alzheimer is the most common type of Dementia.

"Our findings emphasize the need to consider diabetes as potential risk factor for all-cause dementia," the researchers said.