‘Deadpool 2’: Cable brings sombre balance in first full trailer

The first full trailer of “Deadpool 2” has been released, and it’s all about Cable (Josh Brolin). The scenes from the upcoming movie tease a fine balance of action and comedy with the possibility of some time travel.
The new trailer (see below) titled “Meet Cable” starts with what appears to be a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by chaos. As comic book fans know, Cable is a man from the future. Born and raised in the flames of war, the character has been moulded by pain.
Cable's most distinctive features are his robotic arm and his yellow cybernetic eye. Given the circumstance of his birth and upbringing, the character will have a hard and leathery personality, a stark contrast to the protagonist Wade (Ryan Reynolds).
Just when the trailer gets into more action sequences involving Cable, there is a scene that shows Brolin using a green sleeve during filming, which is supposed to be changed into a robotic arm during post-production. Wade jumps into the video at this point, “complaining” about the incomplete special effects.
After a scene of the superhero playing with Deadpool and Cable toys, the trailer continues with the action sequences. This time, it shows Wade, Nagasonic Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hildebrand) and another new character, Domino (Zazie Beetz).
Although Cable and Wade are expected to work together, they will start off trying to kill each other. There also appears to be a futuristic prison in which Wade will be sent at some point.
As far as comedy is concerned, Dopinder (Karan Soni) will be back. It will be interesting to see if the cab driver is back with his girlfriend and if Wade has more precious relationship advice for him.
Credit: 20th Century Fox/YouTube