Two amazing superheroes will invade everyone's summer, The Dark Knight Rises and The Amazing Spider-Man. Which masked superhero will top the Australian box office?

The Amazing Spider-Man made its debut on Australian theaters the other day. The film surprised the audience as the movie turned out well despite harsh criticisms from reviewers and disappointment from Spiderman and Tobey Maguire fans.

However, the final Batman film will make its way on the theaters later this month. Director Christopher Nolan will soon unveil the much coveted film. The director promised an epic finale for the trilogy.

Below is the comparison of the two superhero films that will surely top the box office.

Plot - "The Amazing Spider-Man" reboot narrates the story of Peter Parker in a different angle from Sam Raimi's take of the trilogy. This time, a younger version of Peter is seen as a high school student. Peter Parker tried to unearth the cause of the disappearance of his parents. Spider-Man came face-to-face with his father's former partner, Dr. Curt Connors, who took form of "The Lizard."

"The Dark Knight Rises," on the other hand, puts a conclusion on the successful trilogy of Christopher Nolan. This time, Batman will face one of his strongest enemies, Bane.

Cast - The cast of "The Dark Knight Rises" is older than that of "The Amazing Spider-Man." Moreover, TDKR has a stronger male lead (Christian Bale) and supporting cast such as Gary Oldman, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, and Tom Hardy. "The Amazing Spider-Man," on the other hand, lacks in this aspect.

Director - Apart from the cast, TDKR's director Christopher Nolan has more experience in various genres of film. Spiderman reboot director Marc Webb directed only one film (500 Days of Summer) and has no experience in handling action films. Thus, the fight scenes did not turn out so well while the heartfelt story of Peter Parker was delivered well.

Special Effects - In the trailer of "The Dark Knight Rises" presented explosions and more explosions. However, there is no way to judge it yet. "The Amazing Spider-Man," on the other hand, presented awesome CGI, which is surprising for Marc Webb.

"The Amazing Spider-Man" opened strongly last Tuesday and is currently doing well in most theaters. However, The Dark Knight Rises will surely bring a lot of audience in the theaters, especially those who were satisfied with the first and second films and are curious with the epic conclusion of the trilogy.