Japanese porn star Rina Nanase turned herself into a human version of the "Harry Potter" series' elf Dobby after undergoing extreme plastic surgery procedures.

Cosmetic surgery procedures are already norm for people who want to get a few tweaks about the way they look. The 25-year-old Nanase did not hesitate to use the "changing" power of the procedure, undergoing the surgeon's knife to achieve her desire of an "elfin" appearance.

However, instead of getting positive feedback from her changed looks, Nanase was criticised, with people from social networking site Twitter pointing out that the extreme surgery transformed her to Harry Potter's Dobby look-alike.

Some people also questioned her psychological stability. As of this writing, comments were checked (with the help of Google Translate) in Nanase's Twitter account, and netizens say that her face became too thin, and her former look is a lot better. Rina Nanase, on the other hand, defended herself saying that she love her new face, and the negative criticisms are mere results of "jealousy."

目が痛い〜꒰༎ຶ﹏༎ຶ๑꒱ カラコンできないずっと!! pic.twitter.com/Ioctrm4S46

— 七瀬リナ (@msamaaa1) April 22, 2014

In a report by News.com.au, Nanase described her pre-operative face as a person with a "fat nose and beady eyes," thus, her strong yearning to undergo cosmetic surgery. Late in 2013, she underwent various surgical operations such as blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), rhinoplasty (nose reconstruction), and a chin reconstruction which apparently also reduced her jaw.

The Japanese porn star is confident about her decision to transform her appearance. She was generous in taking selfies of her post-operative self and eventually posting them on Twitter to keep her followers updated of the "change."

Cosmetic surgery is very popular in Asian countries like Japan and South Korea wherein a small face and youthful appearance are standards of beauty. Getting a double eye-lid is also a very popular procedure, but in many cases, men and women who can afford a surgeon eventually transform their faces completely, sporting a new one after the surgery. Nanase is only among the few who found cosmetic surgery a way to get her desired appearance, in her case an elfin look.

Despite the rising trend of cosmetic surgery, people who are planning to undergo the procedure should think of their decision critically. It is also very important to consult a reliable surgeon to avoid drastic complications like those of "botched' cosmetic surgery results.